You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get over a cold. In fact, everything you need to stay healthy naturally can be found in things you probably already keep stocked in your home. So many people are so quick to run to the drug store the minute they feel a little sniffle when all they really need to help them feel better is a little bit of this, a little bit of that and viola! The impending flu has been foiled! So much time is wasted trying to decide between all of the over the counter medicines that are available when you could start healing immediately by choosing one of the many natural remedies already sitting in your cabinets.

Water is the best. There is more to drinking water than getting the proverbial six to eight glasses a day that we all need to survive. Instead of cracking open the Advil bottle when you have a headache, drink some water instead! Many headache sufferers do not know that they are dehydrated. Simply drinking some water can cause that headache to fade. You can use water for more than keeping yourself properly hydrated. Sitting in a hot bath can help relieve some of the symptoms of a cold or flu and is great for helping someone to break a fever. The heat will relax your muscles and help you to start sweating. Sweating is good because it is how your body will get rid of the toxins causing the fever and bring your temperature down. (This advice can also be helpful for premature ejaculation. If you are among those people that are suffering from ejaculation problems then take a look at the following page on Ejaculation Trainer at

Do you know how to blow your nose properly? Blowing your nose correctly is important because if you don’t you might stay sick for much longer than you have to. Here is how to properly blow your nose: close one nostril and gently blow through the other one. Blow your nose gently! If you don’t blow your nose carefully you could cause yourself further distress. Blowing too hard causes earaches. While you might find blowing your nose uncomfortable you will eventually get used to it. If you only sniff the sinus discharge back into your nose you will only succeed in keeping yourself sick. Don’t forget about washing your hands to get rid of the germs!

Use steam! Save money and take a hot shower or bath instead of buying a bunch of sinus meds. Steam can relax your sinus passages which will aid your breathing. The water’s heat will relax your muscles and allow you to rest easier. If you aren’t up for taking a full shower or bath, inhale some steam from a pot of steaming water by leaning over the face of the pot and putting a towel over your head. The towel will help aim the steam at your face and keep the water from cooling out too quickly. Blowing your nose after breathing in some steam is far more productive than it would be if you hadn’t relaxed your sinuses first.

There is no rule that says you have to go the drug route when you get a cold or the flu. There are plenty of natural health remedies sitting right in your kitchen that will help lessen your symptoms and help your body fight the illness off. Why waste a bunch of time and money that can be better spent elsewhere? Natural remedies are better for your body anyway!

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